
Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server

Jim Breen's Text Glossing

imiwa? - For mobile

JEDict - Mac only application

SPACE ALC - Useful for idioms

wani-kani - A great kanji learning tool using a similar method to Remembering the Kanji

My Links Page is Anachronistic, but...

The World Wide Web Consortium - Please, for all our sakes, at least try to listen to these guys.

Ravelry - The de facto knitting website

Smitten Kitchen - My favorite cooking blog. Interesting recipes and beautiful photography.

Mind's Eye Society - Live-action role-playing in the World of Darkness setting - A good resource for information about a more artistically motivated style of larp

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 - A great guide for the best science fiction show of all time, but if you're starting in season one, please heed the advice of this gentleman at the Alexandrian
